HER: Something about him always intrigued me. I don't know if it was in a good way or
not but I was curious to know what was behind those pearl-grey eyes yet scared to find about it as I feel those eyes behold something dreadful, dark or sinister for me. I have known him for more than & decade but still it felt like a maze to understand him. The forbidden past we shared was a blissful moment of our life which ended quickly as it was wrong for both of us. But even now I don't understand why my heart thumps for him till this day?
HIM: Never have I ever thought I would fall for someone like her. I was so mesmerized by her naivety and sassy attitude that I almost forgot that she was forbidden to me. For me she was someone who deserved the whole world. If circumstances were different then I was sure going to make her mine by fair means or foul methods. Unfortunately, my whole life is full of corruption and inequities which I want to put out of her sight. I would do anything protect that innocence of her but who is going to protect it from me?
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