"Stop talking to that guy or you're going to regret it." I gazed at the red envelope with intense eyes as I searched for more information about who sent me this bullshit. It's been ong time since I had received these creepy notes. Sometimes, it was big bouquets full of different varieties of flowers, creepy notes about love, my photos of sleeping and whatnot. It was one of the reasons why I was not feeling safe at my own apartment.
I thought I had left everything behind but maybe it wasn't that case.
I have worked so hard for my future. So, definitely I will not allow any random person destroy it. My life isn't easy to destroy.
I put that creepy note into my trash bin as I made my way towards kitchen, putting up my apron, starting to prepare dinner for myself. Cheese macaroni pasta is what I'm craving right now which took me at least 20 mins to cook. I made my way towards my room putting up Netflix to watch and pasta with orange juice for my dinner."Mmh!What a greattt thing have I ever taste" as I savour the first bite into my mouth.
After finishing my dinner, I started to prepare myself for a hot-steamy bath. Wrapped myself into a towel as I made my way towards bathtub something caught my eyes,I noticed a shiny object into my shower head. I didn't know there was something kept inside the shower head. It was my first time seeing it. I so, badly wanted to ignore this shiny thing and enjoy my bath after all today was one of the hectic days of my life. But something crept inside me saying don't take it lightly. Feeling something was off as I made my way towards my kitchen to grab a chair as I was quite short to reach the shower head.
Well don't blame me for being 5'3 as it's not my fault if my height didn't grew up.
My hands were slipping as am trying to open it but it was no avail. It was tightly locked. But after putting more effort onto it. It opened. I was shocked and deadly scared to see inside it was a micro camera a fricking CAME-ERAAA. A million thoughts started to roam inside my head.
Who was it?
Is it a new stalker or old one came back again?
I don't even have any ex. So, it can be anyone.
Was it my landlord? No, he can't do these as he loved his dead wife dearly.
For how long they are watching me?
Franticly, I picked up my mobile, rushing towards the exit of my apartment, hurriedly trying to dial police number and in search of help from my neighbours. When all of a sudden, lights went out and I heard a thump sound. Someone footsteps was coming from my bedroom,walking slowly towards my wardrobe, opening it slightly As I was inside my room's bathroom it was easy for me to predict where the other person was walking or what he was trying to do. I clutched my mobile tightly in hands as I put hands onto my mouth to stop myself breathing too hard. I was horrified to know someone was inside my house at my BEDROOM.
This is how she will look like "Wrapped in a towel."
Lol noooo.
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